--- title: "Regression" subtitle: "Problem set 2 --- PMAP 8521, Spring 2024" author: "YOUR NAME HERE" date: "DATE GOES HERE" date-format: "long" format: html: toc: true pdf: toc: true docx: toc: true --- ```{r setup, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(tidyverse) library(broom) library(modelsummary) # Load penguins data penguins <- read_csv("data/penguins.csv") ``` # Task 1: Penguins Between 2007 and 2009, researchers collected data on penguins in three islands in the Palmer Archipelago in Antarctica: Biscoe, Dream, and Torgersen. The `penguins` dataset has data for 342 penguins from 3 different species: Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adélie. It includes the following variables: - `species`: The penguin's species (Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adélie) - `island`: The island where the penguin lives (Biscoe, Dream, and Torgersen) - `bill_length_mm`: The length of the penguin's bill, in millimeters (distance from the penguin's face to the tip of the bill) - `bill_depth_mm`: The depth of the penguin's bill, in millimeters (height of the bill; distance from the bottom of the bill to the top of the bill) - `flipper_length_mm`: The length of the penguin's flippers, in millimeters - `body_mass_g`: The weight of the penguin, in grams - `sex`: The sex of the penguin - `year`: The year the observation was made ## Exploratory analysis What is the relationship between penguin weight and bill depth? This plot shows some initial trends: ```{r plot-penguin-weight-depth} ggplot(data = penguins, aes(x = bill_depth_mm, y = body_mass_g)) + geom_point() ``` Make a new plot that colors these points by species. What can you tell about the relationship between bill depth and penguin weight? ```{r plot-penguin-weight-depth-by-species} ``` Add a `geom_smooth()` layer to the plot and make sure it uses a straight line (hint: include `method="lm"` in the function). What does this tell you about the relationship between bill depth and body mass? ```{r plot-penguin-weight-depth-by-species-with-lines} ``` Change the plot so that there's a single line for all the points instead of one line per species. How does the slope of this single line differ from the slopes of the species specific lines? ***Why??*** ```{r plot-penguin-weight-depth-by-species-with-one-line} ``` What is the relationship between flipper length and body mass? Make another plot with `flipper_length_mm` on the x-axis, `body_mass_g` on the y-axis, and points colored by `species`. ```{r} ``` Facet the plot by island (`island`) ```{r} ggplot(data = penguins, aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g, color = species)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(vars(island)) ``` Tell a story about the relationship between flipper length and weight in these three penguin species. SAY SOMETHING HERE Tell a story about the distribution of penguins across the three islands. SAY SOMETHING HERE ## Models ### Predicting weight with bill depth Does bill depth predict penguin weight? ```{r model-depth-weight} model_depth_weight <- lm(body_mass_g ~ bill_depth_mm, data = penguins) tidy(model_depth_weight, conf.int = TRUE) ``` ```{r model-details-depth-weight} glance(model_depth_weight) ``` INTERPRET THE COEFFICIENTS AND RESULTS HERE. What happens as bills get taller? Is the association statistically significant? How confident are you about these results? (Hint: look at the $R^2$) ### Predicting weight with bill depth and flipper length RUN A MODEL that predicts weight with bill depth and flipper length (i.e. body_mass_g ~ bill_depth_mm + flipper_length_mm) ```{r model-weight-depth-flipper} ``` ```{r model-details-weight-depth-flipper} ``` INTERPRET THESE RESULTS. Did the size of the bill depth coefficient change after controlling for flipper length? ### Predicting weight with bill depth, flipper length, and species RUN A MODEL that predicts weight with bill depth, flipper length, and species. ```{r model-weight-depth-flipper-species} ``` ```{r model-details-weight-depth-flipper-species} ``` INTERPRET THESE RESULTS. What do the species coefficients mean? Did the bill depth coefficient change after controlling for both flipper length and species? ## All models at the same time ```{r all-penguin-models} # Right now there's only one model here. Add the others from above (whatever you # called them) like so: # modelsummary(list(model_depth_weight, some_other_model, yet_another_model, etc)) modelsummary(list(model_depth_weight)) ``` --- # Task 2: Food access and mortality ```{r load-food-mortality-data} # Make sure you look at this dataset by clicking on its name in the Environment # panel in RStudio. Sort some of the different columns and look around to get a # feel for what's in the data food_health <- read_csv("data/food_health_politics.csv") ``` We're interested in looking at the relationships between food access, mortality, and politics. Do do this, we look at data from three different sources: - The USDA's [Food Environment Atlas](https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/food-environment-atlas/documentation/) - The CDC's ["Compressed Mortality File 1999-2015 Series 20 No. 2U, 2016"](http://wonder.cdc.gov/cmf-icd10.html) - 2016 election results (found all over the internet) Each row in the dataset is a US county. The main outcome we care about is `mortality_rate`, or the number of deaths per 100,000 people in a county between 2013-2015. Other interesting variables in the dataset include: - `pct_low_access_pop`: Percent of the county's population with low access to food - `pct_children_low_access`: Percent of the county's children with low access to food - `grocery_stores_per_1000`: Number of grocery stores in a county (per 1,000 residents) - `snap_stores_per_1000`: Number of stores that accept SNAP (food stamps) in a county (per 1,000 residents) - `fastfood_per_1000`: Number of fast food stores in a county (per 1,000 residents) - `per_dem_2012`: Percent of the county that voted for Obama in 2012 - `per_dem_2016`: Percent of the county that voted for Clinton in 2016 ## Exploratory analysis ### How related are mortality rate and access to food? ```{r cor-mortality-food} # Notice how this is a little different from what was in the complete example # with SAT scores. It's not possible to calculate correlations when there is # missing data. The `use = "complete.obs"` argument here tells R to ignore any # rows where either mortality_rate or pct_low_access_pop is missing cor(food_health$mortality_rate, food_health$pct_low_access_pop, use = "complete.obs") ``` SAY SOMETHING HERE. This is backwards from what you might expect, since it trends downward (i.e. the mortality rate is lower in counties with a greater proportion of the population with low access to food). Why might that be? Is there really a relationship? ```{r plot-mortality-food, warning=FALSE} # Use warning=FALSE in the chunk options to remove the warning about missing data ggplot(food_health, aes(x = pct_low_access_pop, y = mortality_rate)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") + labs(x = "% of county with low access to food", y = "Mortality rate (per 100,000 residents)") ``` ### How related are mortality rate and the prevalence of fast food restaurants? ```{r cor-mortality-fastfood} ``` SAY SOMETHING HERE ```{r plot-mortality-fastfood} ``` ### How related are mortality rate and the prevalence of SNAP stores per 1,000 residents? ```{r cor-mortality-snap} ``` SAY SOMETHING HERE ```{r plot-mortality-snap} ``` ### How related are mortality rate and the percent of the county that voted for Democrats in 2016? ```{r cor-mortality-2016} ``` SAY SOMETHING HERE ```{r plot-mortality-2016} ``` ## Models ### Does access to food predict mortality? SAY SOMETHING HERE ```{r model-mortality-food} model_mortality_food <- lm(mortality_rate ~ pct_low_access_pop, data = food_health) tidy(model_mortality_food, conf.int = TRUE) ``` ```{r model-details-mortality-food} glance(model_mortality_food) ``` INTERPRET THE COEFFICIENTS AND RESULTS HERE. What happens as the percent of low access to food goes up by 1%? Is that significant? Again, this is backwards from what you'd expect---as the percent of low access goes up, mortality drops. Why might that be? How much do you trust this finding? (Hint: look at the R2 value) ### Do more SNAP stores per person predict mortality? ```{r model-mortality-snap} ``` ```{r model-details-mortality-snap} ``` SAY SOMETHING HERE. What happens as the proportion of SNAP stores goes up? Do you trust this number more or less than low access to food? ### Do election results and access to food and SNAP stores predict mortality? RUN A MODEL THAT PREDICTS MORTALITY WITH A BUNCH OF COVARIATES (i.e. mortality_rate ~ pct_low_access_pop + snap_stores_per_1000 + per_dem_2016 + anything else you want to throw in) ```{r model-mortality-lots-of-things} ``` ```{r model-details-mortality-lots-of-things} ``` SAY SOMETHING HERE. Interpret the different coefficients. How predictive is this model (i.e. what's the R2)? Do you believe this model? ### Mortality, contolling for state differences RUN A MODEL with some number of plausible independent/explanatory variables. Include `state` as one of them ```{r model-mortality-state} # Add other explanatory variables here model_with_state <- lm(mortality_rate ~ pct_low_access_pop + state, data = food_health) # This table is 50+ rows long! While it might be interesting to see changes in # intercept in relation to Alaska (the omitted state here), like how Alabama's # mortality rate is 137 higher than Alaska's while DC's is 84 lower, it's not # super helpful. Controlling for state does capture some of the state-specific # reasons for varying mortality though, so it's good to include. We just don't # really need to see all those coefficients. To remove them from this table of # results, filter them out. The "!" in R means "not", so here we're only looking # at rows that don't start with "state" tidy(model_with_state, conf.int = TRUE) |> filter(!str_starts(term, "state")) ``` ```{r model-state-mortality-lots-of-things} ``` SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THIS MODEL ## All models at the same time PUT ALL THE MODEL RESULTS IN THE SAME SIDE-BY-SIDE TABLE HERE ```{r everything-together} # Right now there are only two models here. Add the others from above (whatever # you called them) like so: # modelsummary(list(model_mortality_food, some_other_model, yet_another_model, etc)) # Also, by default, modelsummary will include all the state coefficients, which # we don't want. We can omit specific coefficients with the `coef_omit` # argument. The ^ character means it'll omit coefficients that *start with* # "state". Without ^, it would omit any coefficient where the characters "state" # appeared anywhere in the name, which might be too greedy modelsummary(list(model_mortality_food, model_with_state), coef_omit = "^state") ```